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May Sibshop!

Date & Time:
Date & Time:
Date & Time:
May 2, 2025
10:00am - 2:00pm
Admiral Collingwood Elementary School, 15 Dey Drive Collingwood, ON L9Y 4N9

Welcome to the **May Superhero Sibshops** event for our Simcoe County District School Board children! Get ready for a fun-filled day of activities and games for siblings of children with special needs. Join us on **Fri May 02 2025** at **Admiral Collingwood Elementary School** starting at **10:00 AM**. This is a great opportunity for siblings who have a brother or sister with special needs to connect with others who understand their unique experiences all while having fun.

Don't miss out on this chance to unleash your inner superhero and make new friends!

Who is it for:

-Simcoe County District School Board children with a Siblings (ages 7 -11) of a brother or sister with special needs.

-This event requires active participation,listening, and the ability to follow directions

-Participants should be able to work independently with limited support

-This group is specifically for siblings who do not have developmental needs themselves

Why Sibshops event :

-They provide siblings of children with special needs a chance to meet others in a relaxed, social setting

-They offer opportunities for siblings to discuss common joys and concerns with peers who understand their experiences

-They provide insight into how others handle situations commonly faced by siblings of children with special needs

-They offer siblings a chance to learn more about their brother or sister's special needs and the services they receive

-Participants can enjoy fun activities,games, arts and crafts, and more

Key things to note:

Bring indoor shoes for use in the gymnasuim

Bring a Refillable water bottle

We will have a pizza lunch available

Come dressed as your favourite superhero or as yourself as you are a superhero sibling

We are looking forward to a fun day with you.

If you have any questions please email us:


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