Family Resource Services

Family Resource Services extends case management support to families of school-age children and youth (up to 18 years of age) who have a diagnosed developmental disability (IQ below 70). The family, with support from a Family Resource Worker (FRW), develops goals in the creation of an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP). Through virtual and/or in-office case conferencing and/or home visits, the FRW will support the family in accessing community resources to implement the IFSP and achieve their identified goals.

Family Resource Services extends case management support to families of school-age children and youth (up to 18 years of age) who have a diagnosed developmental (IQ below 70). The family, with support from a Family Resource Worker (FRW), provides input that results in the development of an Individual Family Service Plan (ISFP). Through case conferencing, and/or home visits, the FRW will support the family in accessing community resources to implement the ISFP and achieve their identified goals.

Support Provided Through The Program:

  • Consultation with you and your family
  • Support to aid your family in accessing necessary and available community resources
  • Coordination of services
  • Assisting you, your family, and your child with transitions (e.g. School entry or adult services)
  • Assisting you and your family with the completion of applications for alternative funding sources
  • Provide information regarding school-related issues
  • Provide community outreach through information services, community education, and consultation with other programs and service providers

Catulpa Community Support Services’ Family Resource Services are available to families residing in Orillia, Midland, Collingwood, Alliston, and surrounding areas who have a school-age child or youth (up to 18 years of age) with a confirmed diagnosis of a developmental disability (IQ below 70).

Funding is provided by the Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services. There is no fee for this service.

Referral Family Resource Services may come from you or your family, or a professional support person working with your family (with consent). All referrals must include a confirmation of diagnosis from a medical professional.

Simcoe County Community Action Program for Children (CAPC) and MotherCare (Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program – CPNP) are a part of a national program with then 25 years of experience supporting families in this region. We support pregnant participants, young parents, and Newcomers to Canada with children 0-6 years old who are currently living on a lower income.

Please confirm that you are currently living on a low household income (less than $40,000 before taxes per year) in Simcoe County and that you are currently pregnant and/or live with children 0-6 years of age.
Data Collection Consent and Required Information
We do not maintain participant “notes” related to your participation with us but we are required by our funders to track attendance and the resources we distribute. We use an electronic data management system to record and store minimal personal information and program attendance. This information includes: name, date of birth, income, due dates and/or dates of birth of your children. Detailed information about this consent can be found in our Welcome Letter.

Simcoe County CAPC-CPNP requires an email address and phone number for your participation in all programs. Please give us a call at 705-733-3227 ext. 2236 if you have any questions.
Participant’s Children (up to 6 years of age)
Consent to Contact

We would like to be able to contact you about our programs, resources and any updates or changes. You can find the full details about this on our webpage and in the welcome letter. Please let us know if your contact information changes.
How did you hear about us?
Gender (optional questions)
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